Sunday, February 16, 2020

Book Review The Damage Done ; Twelve years of Hell in a Bankok Prison Essay

Book Review The Damage Done ; Twelve years of Hell in a Bankok Prison . by Warren Fellows - Essay Example Warren Fellows should be counted among the die-hard criminals. According to his own admission he had done several rounds of illegal activities against the prevalent law in Thailand with full knowledge that he was violating the law of the land. Is prison the place to cause systematic suppression to the spirit of prisoners by the guardians of prison-laws whatever be the gravity of crime committed by them? Warren may have many ideas about care and reformation of the prisoners but does he deserve any one of them? Much ado is made about the violation of human rights by the prisoners even in proven cases of guilt and conviction by the courts. Mind you, it is the prisoners who violate the human rights first and punishment is only the consequential action. This reference is applicable to hardened criminals like Warren, the vicious drug-traffickers, who play with then lives of mostly, the younger generation. In the process, they destroy the life of the youngster, his family is doomed, and his parents are devastated. Let us come to the question, whether Warren deserved sympathy at all, in the later part of the essay. But his odd and strange posture that the drugs smuggled by him did not cause any misery at all deserves ridiculous condemnation. By inducing an individual into the habit of drugs, you are killing him every moment. Here is an example, of the course chartered by an individual, once he becomes a drug-addict. â€Å"Years of intense suffering rolled by. I was the sufferer, and mostly, I w as the source of all suffering to all concerned. I was a total mental wreck! I had sold everything that was mine at the altar of smack-- plot of land in my name, sewing machine, utensils, and other accessories, etc. †¦I had to buy my doses of smack anyhow!...I thought I would die. In fact, I wished to die†¦I had put the two concerned families-to respectable families-to shame!† (Mallya, 2006,

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