Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jimi Hendrix Why He Desrves World Recognition free essay sample

During his career, he revolutionized the sound of rock, and changed it greatly. Hendrix was a major influence in music and with his beliefs. Jim Hendrix was a positive influence on the world, and his music and views continue to inspire many people. Jim Hendrix was born in Seattle, Washington on November 27, 1942. Throughout his childhood, his family dealt with financial problems, and he was sometimes put in the care of friends and family.By the time he was nine, his parents had divorced, and as occasionally sent to live In Vancouver, British Columbia with his grandmother. Around the age of fifteen is when he started to pursue his love of music. His first acoustic guitar was given to him for five dollars, and he immediately began to learn to play by listening to records, and through tips from other players. In 1959, his father bought him his first electric guitar. Hendrix main influences were Elvis Presley, blues music, such as the Muddy Waters and B. We will write a custom essay sample on Jimi Hendrix: Why He Desrves World Recognition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page B. King.Another big Influence came from the western movie Johnny Guitar because the main character Is a hero that isnt carry a gun, but only a guitar. Jim Hendrix has had an obvious contribution to society in music. But many people dont know that he also contributed by Joining the army. He was assigned to the 1st Airborne Division and was stationed in Kentucky. Unfortunately, after a year, he was discharged because during his twenty-sixth parachute Jump, he broke his ankle. Secondly, and more importantly, his greatest contribution was his advances In music.He furthered the range of the electric guitar, establishing It as a unique source, ether than amplified guitar, and blended many styles of his voice and his guitar style. Along with other bands during his time, he furthered the development of hard rock, heavy metal, and blues. Hendrix contributions to music can not be overstated, and without a doubt, they still impact many people, more specifically, musicians. Although he was unable to read music, and he was self-taught, he was a music genius. He pioneered the use of effects, Like way-way, phasing, and fuzz tone, which have become part of rock music. His precision and speed with his guitar, have influenced people to try to aspire to lay half as good as him. All of his contributions have lasted almost thirty years because Jim Hendrix was a major force in music then, and was so powerful, that they have all continued to influence and inspire people. There are really only two areas of the world that Hendrix has Influenced, and that Is Europe, Japan, and the United States. He Minimally had success In Europe, and throughout his career he made fans such as Eric Clayton, members of The Beetles and The Who.In the United States, his fame came later, although he was already internationally known. Many people have been affected by Hendrix music, and have been influenced to pursue careers, and have become great fans of his. Jim Hendrix has influenced artists in the funk genre of music like The Sisley Brothers and Prince. Also, his Influence In music extends to rap music, and to artists such as Wesley Jean Hendrix, simply in the fact that everyone can relate to music, and he made it easy for everyone to listen and enjoy it. Hendrix made rock music different and unique.In conclusion, Jim Hendrix has revolutionized the sound of rock music, and mirrored new advances in the music as well. He has influenced people that like completely different types of music other than rock. Not only that, but he made the music because of his love for it and wanted it to be perfect for everyone. He succeeded greatly with that, and even with his untimely and tragic death, to this day, people continue to love his music. Jim Hendrix played the music so that everyone could relate to it, and because of that he is known as one of the greatest and most influential guitarists and music artists of all time.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Compare Contrast Blue Winds Dancing and Two Kinds Essay Example

Compare Contrast Blue Winds Dancing and Two Kinds Essay Example Compare Contrast Blue Winds Dancing and Two Kinds Paper Compare Contrast Blue Winds Dancing and Two Kinds Paper While both of these stories have different themes regarding cultural issues, the characters involved similarly have their own reasons that compel them to oppose their individual situations. In Amy Tans Two Kinds and in Tom Woodlouses Blue Winds Dancing, both narrators choose nonconformity regarding their unique situations, but have different motivations for doing so. In Two Kinds, the narrator struggles to be the ideal daughter that her mother wishes her to be. Having come from China where she ad lost her home and her entire family, Including her first two daughters, her mother places a huge burden of becoming famous and successful on the narrator. The opening paragraph of this story, quite plainly, tells of the mothers lofty goals for her daughter. My mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with no money down. You could become rich. You could become Instantly famous (Tan 180). After falling to master many efferent talents to ultimately become the prodigy her mother wishes her to become, the mother enrolls her in piano lessons and buys her a piano. The narrator deliberately fails to learn the piano as an act of defiance against her mother. She biblically humiliates her mother at a talent show where she plays terribly. She purposely fails to live up to her mothers expectations of her. She knows she cannot possibly conform to her mothers dreams for her, so she decides that rebellion Is her only choice. In Tom Wheelhouse Blue Winds Dancing, the narrator Is a Native American living in the western united States. It is here while attending college that he learns that he will never fit into white culture. Having gone off to college and attempting to conform to white society, the narrator feels as if he has rebelled against his own people in doing so. But soon he realizes that being civilized is Just too tiresome for him. l am weary of trying to keep up this bluff of being civilized. These Cleveland white men want us to be Just Like them always dissatisfied getting a hill and wanting a mountain. (Whiteout 270). He longs to be back at home on he reservation, to be one with nature again, and be with his own people. But having left the reservation for college, he wonders if his people, and especially his father, will accept him back. The narrator begins a long Journey back to his home in Wisconsin by train-hopping. All along the way he worries his people will not accept him any longer. He is confused as to where he really does belong. HIS confusion Is ended with Immediate acceptance when he finally enters his home and his father, though not saying a word to him, embraces him. His father then instructs him to go lone to the lodge, where his father will later accompany him. At the lodge he is met with happiness in the eyes of everyone there. His people accept him. Cultural background and individual choices on why to rebel make these stories differ. They are similar In that both narrators ultimately choose their own form of rebellion In Two Kinds the daughter realizes that she will never be happy unless she stands up to near mother, aspect ten Tact Tanat seen must rule near mothers nope In ten process. In Woodlouses story, the narrator chooses what the path of least resistance for him is.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Seed Tree and Shelterwood Harvesting Methods

Seed Tree and Shelterwood Harvesting Methods Even-aged Harvesting Methods Many tree species do not tolerate major shade during the early stages of development. These stages include early seedling germination, development and sapling growth stable enough to compete in mid-canopy.  These tree species have to have some light for regenerating and ensuring future even-aged stands for that species. Most of these timber types are mostly coniferous with a few exceptions. Commercially valuable trees that need light to naturally regenerate a new stand of the same species makes up a major part of even-aged harvesting schemes by foresters. The reproductive management of these trees in North America includes jack pine, loblolly pine, longleaf pine, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine, slash pine. Notable intolerant hardwood species include many valuable commercial oaks plus yellow-poplar and sweetgum. Several reforestation systems and harvesting methods can be used to create even-aged stands.   While specific treatments vary across the U.S. by tree species and climate, the basic systems are clearcutting, seed tree and shelterwood. Shelterwood Even-aged stands must regenerate beneath the shade provided by mature trees left from the previous stand.   It is a major harvest scheme used in all regions of the United States. This includes regenerating loblolly pine in the South, Eastern white pine in the Northeast and ponderosa pine in the West. Preparing a typical shelterwood condition could include three possible types of cuttings: 1) a preliminary cut might be made to select high yielding trees to leave for seed production; 2) an establishment cut can be made that prepares a bare soil seed-bed  as well as trees that provide seed just before seed fall; and/or 3) a removal cut of overstory seed trees that have established seedlings and saplings but would be in competition if left to grow.   So, a shelterwood harvest would be done to leave seed-producing trees uniformly throughout the stand, in groups, or strips and, depending on seed  crop and species, can have between 40 and 100 crop trees.   As with seed tree harvests,  shelterwoods  are sometimes interplanted to supplement natural seeding.   Red and white oak, the southern pines, white  pine,  and sugar maple are examples of tree species that may be regenerated using the shelterwood harvesting method. Here are specific shelterwood terms that further explain this harvesting method: Shelterwood Cut - Removing trees on the  harvest  area in a series of two or more cuttings so new seedlings can grow from the seed of older trees. This method produces an even-aged forest. Shelterwood Logging  - Method of harvesting timber so that selected trees remain scattered throughout the tract to provide seeds for regeneration and shelter for seedlings. Shelterwood System  - An even-aged  silvicultural scheme in which a new stand is established under the protection of a partial canopy of trees. The mature stand is generally removed in a series of two or more cuts, the last leaving a new even-aged stand that is well developed. Seed Tree The seed tree reforestation method leaves healthy, mature trees with a good cone crop (usually 6 to 15 per acre) in the existing stand to provide seed for regenerating a new stand of trees.   Seed trees are typically removed after regeneration is established, especially when seedling levels are significant enough to  stand some logging losses. It is not unusual for a forest manager to  leave the seed trees for wildlife or aesthetics objectives. However, the primary objective of a seed tree regeneration harvest is to provide a natural seed source. Artificial planting of nursery seedlings may be used to supplement areas where natural seeding was not adequate.   White pine, the southern pines and several species of oak may be regenerated using the seed tree harvesting method. Clearcutting Removing in a single cutting all of the overstory trees in a stand to develop a new stand in a shade-free environment is called a clear or clean cut harvest. Depending on species and topography, reforestation can occur  by natural seeding, direct seeding, planting, or sprouting. See my feature on clearcutting: The Debate Over Clearcutting Each individual clearcut area is a unit in which regeneration, growth, and yield are monitored and managed specifically for wood production. That does not mean that all trees will be cut. Certain trees or groups of trees may be left for wildlife, and buffer strips are maintained to protect streams, wetlands, and special areas. Common tree species regenerated using clearcutting include the southern pines, Douglas-fir, red and white oak, jack pine, white birch, aspen, and yellow-poplar.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Medical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medical - Essay Example Hormones are like chemical messengers and they need to be present in the right amounts in order to effectively carry out their designated functions. Any upset in hormonal levels can result in symptoms. There are several tests which can be performed in order to diagnose abnormalities in hormonal functions. Firstly, in order to diagnose whether your blood sugar levels are within normal limits and whether your body is producing the right amounts of hormones needed to effectively utilize and store the sugars that we consume, there are a number of diagnostic tests. The first one is the fasting blood sugar. For this test you have to fast overnight (i.e. eat or drink nothing, except water, for about 8-12 hours) and give a blood sample. The level of sugar in your blood sample is compared against a reference range and if it is greater than 126 mg/dl on more than one occasion, it is diagnostic of diabetes (Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2011), which is an impairment in the body’s capacity to effectively utilize and store sugars. Another confirmatory test for diabetes is the glucose tolerance test, whereby you will be made to give two blood samples. To prepare for the test you have to eat a normal balanced diet for upto three days preceding the tests. Then, like for the fasting blood sugar test, you have to fast overnight, for duration of about 8 hours and the first blood sample is collected. After that you will be made to drink a liquid containing 75 grams of glucose and a second blood sample is taken 2 hours later (Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2011). The blood sugar values obtained are compared against normal standards and if the value of the blood sugar levels obtained 2 hours after the glucose drink exceeds 200 mg/dl, it is diagnostic of diabetes (Becker, 2001). One of the most important gland in our body is the pituitary gland, which releases various hormones required to stimulate all the other glands in our body to secrete their respective hormones. The pituitary gland in turn is stimulated by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus which is an important region in our brains. These together form the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Inorder to evaluate the normal functioning of hypothalamic pituitary axis, the insulin tolerance test is carried out. The night prior to this test, you will be asked to fast, i.e. not eat or drink anything except water. The morning when the test is performed, you will be first injected with insulin, which is a substance which will lower your blood sugar. Our body’s normal response to low blood sugar levels is to secrete two hormones growth hormone (GH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which in turn stimulates the secretion of another hormone called cortisol (National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2011). After the insulin injections timed blood samples will be taken and the levels of GH and cortisol will be checked and compared against the normal reference ranges to see whether the normal secretion of these substa nces in your body is present or not (National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2011). In order to evaluate the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is an important gland located in our neck, there are several tests. A complete panel of tests to assess proper functioning of the thyroid gland is termed as the thyroid function test. This panel includes levels of different form of thyroid hormones such as T3 and T4 which are different circulating forms of thyroid hormone in our bloodstream (American Thyroid Association, 2005). Moreover, this

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Publi Pension Replacement Rates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Publi Pension Replacement Rates - Essay Example Even the marital status is a point of concern for some countries. The earnings level of the worker is also taken into account. This level dictates the amount of their contribution. The duration of membership of a worker in the pension plan is factored in in the replacement rate computation. Another cause of the variance is the type of employment, whether it is full-time or part-time. The public pension replacement rate was a major contributing factor in the debt burden of Greece. The average earner with a full career in an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) country, of which Greece belongs, has a pension replacement rate of 58.7% of earnings (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2007). However, in Greece, the replacement rate was at a high of 96% of earnings (OECD, 2007). This rate is considered to be very high. In 2010, Greece’s pension system had approximately 400 billion euros or $509 billion in unfunded liabilities (Oxford Analytica, 2010). The excessively high replacement rate forced the Greek government to make emergency grants to meet the pension outlays (Oxford Analytica, 2010). Nektarios describes the Greek public pension system as one which is â€Å"highly segmented and complex, containing over 300 funds, with many different regulations for pension rights† (n.d.). Because of these chara cteristic of the public pension plan, it was difficult for the government to manage. One proof that the public pension replacement rate contributed largely on the debt problem of Greece are the reforms in the pension plan that were instituted by the EU and the IMF. Some of these reforms that were dictated upon on Greece include introduction of a unified statutory retirement age of 65 by December 2013; the gradual increase in the minimum contribution period for retirement; and the reduction of pension benefits to be based on the pensioners average pay over their working lives

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The themes in Hamlet Essay Example for Free

The themes in Hamlet Essay Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a revenge tragedy that illustrates a tragic heros struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity, and the need to avenge his fathers murder. Hamlet the prince of Denmark discovers from his fathers ghost that his father has been murdered with malicious premeditation and this atrocious act was committed by none other than his uncle Claudius. Inevitably Hamlet is instigated to seek revenge, however is incapable of such action due to the need for certainty and other emotional, psychological, and ethical factors; thus he remains indecisive. Through Hamlets complex, divided, introspective character and with the help of such an intriguing plot Shakespeare exposes the themes of immorality, revenge, and death; which are evidently the most significant and recurring themes throughout the play. Immorality plays a significant role in the play. The plot commences with Claudius not only committing the immoral act of regicide but also repulsively seducing the queen into marriage; completely disrupting the natural order of Denmark. Therefore Claudius has deprived the prior king of life, of crown, of queen Such corruption leads to Denmark being represented as a physical body which has been made ill as the people come to believe that something is rotten in the state. (I, iv, 90) The appearance of the previous kings ghost confirms a sense of foreboding about the future of the country since the new king has forced himself onto the throne through corrupt means. All this corruption affects Hamlets view of the world as well, where he comes to believe that the world is merely possessed by things rank in gross in nature. ( I, ii, 136) Even before Hamlet encounters his fathers ghost who reveals the truth about the murder, Hamlet is searing with indignation over how his mother with most wicked speed, [did] post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets (I,ii,156 157) Thus Hamlet foreshadows that such dissolute deeds cannot come to good (I. ii. 158) However when the ghost does reveal the truth Hamlet is overwhelmed with disgust at the immorality and injustice of his own uncles and his mothers foul deeds. Inevitably the occurrences of such immoral acts have brought a burning need within Hamlet, a need to seek to revenge; which is another significant theme that recurs throughout the play. Indisputably, revenge is probably the most essential theme in the development of Hamlet. Revenge is a dreadful, decadent and a bloodthirsty emotion and is the driving force behind two of the main characters in the play- Hamlet and Laertes. However Shakespeares conduct of revenge within Hamlet differs completely to the quintessential style of revenge during his era. Shakespeares illustration of revenge delves more into the physiological and moral aspect of seeking revenge; where he portrays that revenge is not an action that usually comes innately because even overpowering emotion cannot bring about immediate action. Therefore Hamlet contemplates heavily and plans the revenge, but fails to put his ideas into action until the last scene. The first sign of revenge is evidently seen in the beginning where Hamlets fathers ghost urges him to revenge his foul and most unnatural murder. (I. v.25). However Hamlet was still not convinced by the ghost as he believes it may be the devil( II,ii) Therefore in order to catch Claudiuss conscience and prove the ghosts message, Hamlet has a play enacted in the scenario of his fathers murder. This shows Hamlets need for certainty and deep contemplation. Even after The kings outburst when he had the perfect opportunity to kill whilst he was praying, Hamlet failed to perform. Hamlet states Now he is praying a villain kills my father and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven( III,iii). It is evident that Hamlet is a man with too much reason (III.ii) and not enough action. One could argue that it is as if he develops excuses for not completing the deed, mainly because he is human and that the deed is immoral. Therefore he is incapable of performing such action immediately. This proves that every action; even revenge is affected by rational considerations, involving the need for truth or certainty as well as moral, physiological and emotional factors. Nevertheless it seems as though Hamlet disbelieves the notion of performing a deed in a purposeful and controlled way; because when Hamlet does take action; killing Polonius, he prefers to do it irresponsibly, blindly and viciously. It evidently shows his thirst for revenge as well as the obscurity and complexity of his character. Hamlets blind, irrational, and impulsive, manner of killing Polonius without being aware of his identitiy formulates the beginning of a vicious cycle of retribution; as Hamlet becomes a part of Denmarks squalor and misery. This irrepressible and unjustifiable murder instigated Laertess(Poloniuss son) quest to avenge his fathers death. Later on in act 5 Hamlet and Laertes have the opportunity to avenge their fathers in a gruesome duel. However this only leads to their downfall, revenges eventual outcome- death. Shakespeare utilizes the theme of death as a cleanser of corruption, as all the corrupt players are killed through unnatural means which ultimately restores the natural order of Denmark. As destined the characters receive the deaths they deserve. Thus the king dies in Hamlets hand as well as being poisoned like the queen, whereas Hamlet dies in a soldierly fashion being provided the respect a soldier deserves. Inevitably death is seen as the ultimate resolution for immoral injustice. Death is not only seen as a cleanser of corruption but according to Hamlet death carries various meaning involving freedom, inevitability and the fact that death renders life meaningless. It is evident that Hamlets obsession with death works in three stages: death as a means of escape or freedom, his circle of life theory and the physical decay of death which proves the futility of life. From the very beginning Hamlets seems to find the world weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. (I,ii,129-134) and would have ended his agony by committing suicide if the everlasting had not fixed his canon `gainst self-slaughter. ( I. ii. 129-134) Hamlet ponders over the means to handle his outrageous fortune(III,i, lines 58-70)and contemplates whether he should fight the slings and arrows (III,i lines 58-70) that life has thrown upon him or he should end the heart ache and a thousand natural shocks (III, i,lines 58-70) by killing himself. However he is afraid of the after life and chooses the nobler (III. i, 58-70) path to face the suffering of life in order to avoid the gruesome aftermath of death. According to Hamlet aftermath can also involve the grave where the person has to face worms and maggots feeding on him, evidently pointing out that death is a leveler which inevitably everyone is entitled for. Therefore he believes that life goes around in a circle because a man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath feed of that worm. (IV,iii, 30-32) Hamlet also believes that life is meaningless because after death all physical beauty is lost. So with Yoricks skull in hand he reminisces upon all the moments he spent with Yorick and what has become of him now. Likewise, regardless of how women emphasize on their beauty; as Hamlet states to this favor she must come. (V. i. 192-195) Evidently Shakespeare, through the voice of Hamlet proves that all the greed and lust for power eventually leads to nothing in the face of death. Shakespeares utilization of the significant intertwining themes of death, revenge and immorality, he is able to coherently elucidate how immoral injustice can never be restored and unless all the corrupt players are purged and a new king, in this case Fortinbras, is crowned. In addition Shakespeare also exposes that ultimately revenge is not the solution for internal peace but rather when committed it brings forth chaos and disorder within the society; forcing death to be the only resolution to cleanse the corruption and bring back peace and harmony to the state. In the process of the play these universal themes are dealt not in the conventional sense but in a reality based fashion which any human being can easily relate to, and this is what makes Hamlet such a tour de force.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Amerigo Vespucci Essay -- essays research papers fc

Vespucci was the one person for whom North and South America was named after. Vespucci had a wonderful life and found many things on his voyages. Amerigo Vespucci was born in Florence, Italy in March of 1451, and grew up in a considerable mansion near the river. As a young boy, Amerigo's happiest moments studying the stars. He excelled in mathematics and his hobby was copying maps. His dream as a young boy was to travel and get a better picture about what the Earth looked like. Amerigo spent half of his life as a business man hoping to strike it rich so he could explore. Amerigo was the third son, there were two older brothers, Antonio and Girolamo, the youngest was Bernardo. The parents were Stagio and Elisabetta Vespucci. Italy, at this time was not yet a civilized country. Italy was a bunch of city- states each self governed and looking for money for it's own purposes and not for the benefit of the country. Florence, where Amerigo was born and grew up, was in the city-state governed by the powerful Medici family. Later in Vespucci's life he ends up working for this family helping govern the city-state. Italy, at this time was not a good country as it is today. In 1492 Vespucci left Florence for Seville, Spain because Italy had the monopoly and didn't need, or want, exploration. Well into his forties, around 1495, Vespucci became the director of a ship company that supplied ships for long voyages. This was the first opportunity Vespucci had to make voyages and he was very ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Does the government do enough to punish cyber-attacks & criminals?

1.0 Introduction Cyber-attacks have become a significant problem for information systems (IS) worldwide. When referring to information systems, the term cyber-attack is used for denoting a malicious action that aims to result to specific benefit, usually financial, and which is developed through online routes as available in the Internet (Vacca, 2009). In the UK, the expansion of cyber-crime has been quite rapid the last few years leading to severe financial losses for the victims, individuals and businesses (Cabinet Office, 2011). The graph in Figure 1 shows the cost of the various types of cyber – crime to the UK economy. This paper explores the effectiveness of measures taken by the UK government in regard to the punishment of cyber-crime, aiming to show whether the current initiatives for the UK government for punishing the cyber-crime are sufficient or not. The paper also explains the key characteristics and the value of information systems (IS) security so that the potential of the UK go vernment to secure safety from cyber-crimes is evaluated. I will argue that the UK government does not enough to punish cyber-attacks and criminals. Moreover, the introduction by the government of stricter punishment for cyber-attacks has not resulted to the limitation of this type of crime, as explained below. Figure 1 – Cost of different types of cyber – crime to the UK economy (Cabinet Office, 2011, p.2) 2.0 Security of IS – characteristics and importance Security, as a term, can be related to different fields. In the context of information technology, the term security is used for describing ‘a power system’s degree of risk in its ability to survive imminent disturbances without interruption of customer service’ (Cuzzocrea et al., 2013, p.244). As for the term ‘IT security’, this term refers to three values/ characteristics of an IT system, such as: ‘confidentiality, integrity and availability’ (Katsikas, 2016, p.28). According to Mehdi (2014), the term IS security denotes ‘the protection of IS against unauthorized access’ (p.4310). It is explained that a secure IS can ensure that its data will not be modified or lost (Mehdi, 2014). Also, such system is able to detect early any security threat activating appropriate protection mechanisms (Merkow, 2010). At organizational level, IS security is ensured by using an IS security policy, i.e. a set of rules referring to the securit y standards that would apply in all IS of the organisation involved (Kim and Solomon, 2016). However, the demands of such policy can be many, a fact which is justified if considering the several types of IS threats (Cabinet Office, 2011; Figure 1). Organisations often need to hire an Information System Security Officer (ISSO) for ensuring IS security (Kovachich, 2016). 3.0 The punishment of cyber-attacks and criminals – government initiatives and effects3.1 Laws and policies focusing on IS security In the UK, the first law addressing cyber – crimes appeared in 1990 and aimed to cover the gaps of existing legislation in regard to the protection of IT systems from cyber-attacks (Emm, 2009). This was the 1990 Computer Misuse Act. The introduction in the UK of a legislative text focusing on cyber-attacks has been highly related to a cyber-attack incident: the unauthorized access, by two cyber-attackers, to BT’s Prestel service in 1984 (Emm, 2009). When dealing with the above case, the court used the 1981 Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, due to the lack of a legislative text focusing on computer-related crimes (Emm, 2009). In May of 2015, the Serious Crime Act 2015 came into action (Eversheds-Sutherland, 2015). The articles 41 up to 44 of the above law introduced stricter punishment for cyber-crimes. More specifically, in the context of the 1990 Computer Misuse Act the imprisonment for serious cyber-crimes could not exceed the 10 years. With the 2015 Act, the imprisonment for cyber-crimes has been significantly increased, reaching the 14 years and even, the life sentence in cases of cyber-crimes threatening national security (Eversheds-Sutherland, 2015). This, stricter, punishment for cyber-crimes could discourage cyber-criminals but only if the enforcement of the law was appropriately supported, so that all cases of cyber-crimes are brought before the courts (White, 2016). The National Cyber Security Strategy (CSS) of 2011 has been an effort of the British government to control cyber-crime (Shefford, 2015). The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a national team that was established in 2014 for helping towards the achievement of the objectives of CSS (Cabinet Office, 2014, p.13). The CERT team provides to organisations in the private and the public sector critical information for the protection from cyber-attacks (Cabinet Office, 2014). Additionally, in the context of CSS, educational initiatives focusing on cyber security are developed by institutions across the UK; these initiatives are funded by the government and aim to achieve two targets: First, to increase the awareness of the public in regard to cyber security. Second, to help individuals to acquire skills which are necessary for supporting cyber security and for facing cyber-attacks (Cabinet Office, 2014; Figure 2). The Cyber Security Challenge (CSC) is a programme developed by the UK g overnment for helping young people to understand the risks from using their cyber skills in the wrong way; the programme includes competitions and other schemes that can motivate young people to use their cyber skills in a proactive way and not for the commitment of cyber – crimes (National Crime Agency, 2017). Figure 1 – Initiatives/ measures of the National CSS for facing cyber-crime (Cabinet Office, 2014, p.22)3.2 Cyber-attack incidents in governmental and non-governmental organisationsThe number of cyber-attacks against governmental and non-governmental organisations in the UK is continuously increased (White, 2016). From January to October of 2016, 75 cyber-attacks have been reported against banks in the UK, while in 2014 these attacks were just five (White, 2016). In 2013, three individuals in Britain were convicted to jail, from 6 months up to 22 months, for unauthorised access of sensitive private data stored in ‘PayPal, Visa and Mastercard’ (McTague, 2014). The above punishment was considered as too soft compared to the seriousness of the crime. In 2014, the government decided to initiate the modification of existing punishment for cyber-crimes, so that future perpetrators are discouraged from committing a cyber-crime (McTague, 2014). Pultarova (2016) argued tha t banks in the UK face cyber-attacks quite regularly but they avoid reporting the specific incidents trying to protect their market image. In November of 2016, Chancellor P. Hammond noted that critical infrastructure units of the UK, such as airports and gas facilities, are threatened by ‘cyber-attacking techniques developed by other countries’ (BBC News, 2016). It was noted that the protection from such attacks would be a priority for the UK in order for the country’s security, at national level, to be ensured (BBC News, 2016). In 2011 the general police officer in the e-crime department of Scotland-Yard argued that the punishment of cyber – crimes in the UK is too soft if considering the actual damage that these crimes cause (BBC News, 2011). It was explained that the annual damage on the UK economy from cyber-crimes reaches the ?27bn (BBC News, 2011). In 2016, the National Crime Agency of the UK published a report for showing the status of cyber-crimes, in terms of occurrence/ rate of appearance. According to the above report, the cyber – crime represents a major part of criminal activity in the UK, reaching the 36% among all crimes developed in the UK. At the same time, the crimes related to computer misuse reached the 17% among the country’s total crimes (National Crime Agency, 2016). The above figures and facts indicate the inability of the UK government to control cyber-crime. The introduction in 2015 of stricter punishment for cyber-crimes has been an important initiative by the UK government for controlling cyber-crime. However, this initiative should be combined with other measures, at national and at community level. In a speech in mid-February of 2017, Chancellor P. Hammond noted that in the previous three months a total of 188 severe cyber-attacks had been reported; these attacks aimed to cause severe damage to governmental services, infrastructure and businesses (Cole, 2017). A similar issue has been raised by Lord West of Spithead who noted in 2010 that in 2009 the UK had to face ‘300 significant attacks’ on the IS of the government (Doward, 2010). According to Lord West, this problem had become quite serious, denoting that the UK had been targeted by cyber criminals worldwide, as these attacks seemed to be supported by foreign governments, as Lord West noted (Doward, 2010). The above arguments verify the existence of gaps in the existing national framework for the protection from cyber-attacks, as this framework constitutes the national legislation and national policy for the control of cyber – crime. The facts presented above further verify the inability of the UKâ€℠¢s policy to reduce the occurrence of cyber-crime. Guitton (2012) developed an experiment, using data related to cyber-attacks that occurred between 2003 and 2010 in businesses located in three European countries: Germany, UK and France. It was revealed that the relationship between attribution and deterrence is strong only in cases of individuals of individuals who are aware of the existing legislation for cyber-crime and who can realise the actual effects of their actions. These individuals represented the 1/3 of the cases reviewed by Guitton (2012). In opposition, it was found that most individuals involved in cyber-crimes are not fully aware of the relevant legislation and they tend to ignore the effects of their actions. For these individuals, the control theory which emphasises on the power of attribution, as held by the state, to ensure deterrence is not applied, as Guitton (2012) argued. In the context of the above study, the potential of the British government to control cyber-crime is limited. This fact, even it would be ac cepted, could not affect the view on the government’s efforts to confront cyber-crime. The update of the terms of punishment of cyber-crimes just in 2015 and the lack of effective control mechanisms for identifying and reporting cyber – attacks verify the failure of the government to ensure the punishment of cyber-attacks and criminals. 4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations It is concluded that the UK government does not make enough to punish cyber-attacks and criminals. First, a significant delay has been identified in the introduction of appropriate/ fair penalties. Indeed, the introduction of strict punishment for cyber-crimes took place just in 2015, as explained above. The facts and views presented in this paper lead to the assumption that for many years, the government has avoided confronting cyber-attacks as a criminal activity, a fact that led to the radical increase of cyber-attacks against IS systems in governmental services and in financial institutions. At the same time, IS security has several aspects, meaning that eliminating cyber – crime is rather impossible. The soft punishment framework for cyber-crimes, as used in the past, has led to the severe deterioration of the problem across the UK. The increase of effectiveness of current legislation, as from May 2015, on cyber-attacks could be achieved through certain practices, such a s: First, events and seminars would be organized at community level for informing individuals on the characteristics of cyber-attacks and the available measures for protection; these seminars would also provide guidelines to entrepreneurs in regard to the value of IS security policy, as part of business strategy. Second, incentives would be provided to entrepreneurs for pursuing the certification of their business according to the information security management standards, such as the ISO/IEC 27000 standards. Third, an independent authority would be established for controlling the performance of governmental and non-governmental organisations in regard to IS safety. Finally, the investment on IS security in governmental and non-governmental organisations would be increased. Security frameworks, such as the ‘Intrusion Detection System’ (IDS), could be employed in these organisations for ensuring IS security in IS systems that manage and store high volume of private data (Stair and Reynolds, 2015, p.460). 5.0 Personal reflections This project has been related to a critical issue: the findings in regard to the study’s subject have been contradictory. More specifically, the UK government has tried to confront cyber-attacks through legislation and relevant policies but the punishment for these crimes has been characterised as soft, at least up to 2015, while the number of cyber-attacks in the UK is continuously increased. Under these terms, I had to face a dilemma: how should the performance of the UK government in facing cyber-crime would be evaluatedBy referring to the initiatives taken or by emphasising on the actual results of these initiativesReflection has helped me to face the above problem. Indeed, reflection can help the researcher to have ‘an objective sense of things’ (Gillett et al., 2013, 85). Moreover, using reflection I tried to estimate the balance between the positive and negative aspects of government’s efforts to punish cyber-crime and to understand which aspect of t he government’s strategy against cyber-crime is more related to the research question: this paper aims to explain whether the government has done enough on the punishment of cyber-crime. Through reflection, I understood that the occurrence of cyber-attacks in the UK should be preferred as the criterion for answering the research question. Ventola and Mauranen (1996) explained that reflection can help the researcher to identify the research findings that are closer to the research question, a fact that allows the researcher to use the right material for answering the research question. Additionally, I used reflection during the development of the study for managing time and for tracking research gaps, which have been covered after the completion of the project. The above tasks have been supported by a research diary (Day, 2013), in the form of notes, where daily progress in regard to research and writing was reported. Thus, the use of reflection while developing this project h elped me to control risks, in regard to the project’s structure and content, and to manage time more effectively, covering all aspects of the research question. 6.0 References BBC News (2016) UK must retaliate against cyber-attacks says chancellor. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. BBC News (2011) Cyber criminals ‘should get tough sentences’ say police. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Cabinet Office (2011) The cost of cabinet crime. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Cabinet Office (2014) The UK Cyber Security Strategy. Report on Progress and Forward Plans. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Cole, H. (2017) UK Government and businesses are hit by two ‘serious’ cyber-attacks a day. The Sun. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. 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Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Pultarova, T. (2016) UK banks under constant cyber-attack but don’t report incidents. Engineering & Technology. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Shefford, M. (2015) What is the UK government doing about cybersecurityDatonomy. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017]. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G. (2015) Fundamentals of Information Systems. 8th ed. Belmont: Cengage Learning. Vacca, J. (2009) Computer and Information Security Handbook. Burlington: Morgan Kaufmann. Ventola, E. and Mauranen, A. (1996) Academic Writing: Intercultural and textual issues. John Benjamins Publishing. White, L. (2016) British banks keep cyber-attacks under wraps to protect image. Reuters. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2017].

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Impacts and Implications of Stress

There are many impacts and implications of academic stress on the health of an individual in the academic environment as a student. Some of these impacts and implications are time management skills, social life, and being employed. This paper will be examining the role and significance of the perception in the academic environment and how there is an increase of stress and anxiety in college.Also, I will construct my personal Medicine Wheel to show how can manage my own stress and anxiety being in the Coco optional Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist program (TOT/PTA). The first impact and implication that will be being discussed is time management skills and how it increases stress and anxiety in college. Firstly, transiting from high-school into college brings on a huge amount of stress because it's completely two different worlds and adjusting is very hard for some.This may cause the Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and this is the cost common type of anxiety, it is a  "ongoing state of mental and/or physical tension and nervousness, either without a specific cause† (Put Reference). Some of the symptoms are constant restlessness, irritation, trouble concentrating, and fatigue. Another impact and implication is assignments, and this is because coming straight from high-school I had no idea how to prioritize my assignments and all the workload at once.So this would lead me o mini panic attacks because would feel overwhelmed with assignments and test all coming at once and not wanting to fail. Lastly, studying was an enormous stress factor because had no study habits nor a study group. This made things difficult because also didn't know how to pick out important information from the slides. All of these implications increased stress and anxiety in the academic environment causing my health to decrease because of the lack of sleep, over eating and mentally drained.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 side jobs for college students to make money in 2018

10 side jobs for college students to make money in 2018 Being in college does not mean that you should not take part in profitable business activities. It would not hurt to earn extra income and have prospects for a future business endeavor. In the current economy, it is no secret that tuition fees and expenses increase by the day. If you can get time for a social life, then you can easily create time to start and manage a small business. Take a look at these ten side job ideas for college students. 1. Freelance writingIf you are a skilled and creative writer, then you should consider starting freelance writing. It is easy to launch because you only need to invest in a computer and internet. Make use of the loads of websites that offer writing jobs and get ready to earn a good income from this investment.2. Graphics servicesOffering graphic services is also one of the best investment ideas for students who study arts or those who are good in graphics. You need to become aggressive in marketing your skills and portfolios to potential clien ts either online or physically. Such a service is likely to grow into something bigger even after college because you could land a long-term contract.3. Forex tradingForex trading is another interesting investment to engage in while still in college. The process of trading currencies online can be quite risky. It is important to consider the tools that you use to carry out your trade. Make sure you use the right host to access your trading platform. A VPS is critical for high speed forex transactions. Find out how you can boost your Forex trading abilities. However, you need to take your time to master the skill through experience. Online tutorials can also help you become a professional forex trader. Master the needed analytical skills and get ready to earn a fortune.4. Selling hair care products and extensionsSelling of hair related products is one of the best investments for college students, especially ladies. It is easy to start and manage. You can easily combine it with your s tudies if you plan your time well. It will help you master marketing skills and also how to deal with competition.5. Fitness trainingIf you are into fitness, then you should consider taking up fitness training as an investment. You can work in a particular gym as an instructor. Alternatively, you can work as a mobile personal trainer. If you are smart about the markets you explore, you could earn a good fortune.6. Sell softwareLately, selling software has become among the best investments for college students. You simply need to identify a task and simplify it through software. For example, you can create software that helps people manage online files. It is no secret that there is a huge market software today. There is no doubt that you will get a good income from selling software.7. Tutoring servicesAnother smart investment idea is offering tutoring services. Identify an area of study in which you excel and tutor people who need such services. You can either work in a peer-tutorin g center or register with your college as a tutor. If you want to do it independently, consider making use of the online tutoring platforms.8. Event organizerThe college social scene is always wrapped with a series of events. You can capitalize on that and earn good money. Take part in event management and promotion. You need to have exceptional organizational and communication skills, if you want to be successful in this business venture.9. Sale of cakesIf you know how to bake cakes, then you should try turning this into a business venture. Aside from the fact that you can retail your cakes to students during various vents, you can also bake for weddings, anniversaries and birthdays off campus. With enough experience, you can open your bakery after college.10. Jewelry makingJewelry making is a good way to invest while still in college. You can start off by making simple friendship bracelets that you can sell online or in hostels. If you want to make a good profit, avoid using expen sive material like gold and silver. Try creatively using available materials.With these ideas, you do not have to wonder how to invest as a college student. Plan your time well and engage in these ideas to earn extra cash. You might be surprised that the simple idea could materialize into a big company. Start investing today and save yourself the hustle of looking for a job after graduation.About the author:Caroline is a writer with years of experience in business administration. She enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for her own book. Her twitter, @BCarolinebird12.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Avatar movie is overrated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Avatar movie is overrated - Essay Example That was lacking in Avatar. Animation was good, but that is the technical aspect. Nothing in the movie appealed to my heart and left a lasting impression in my mind. I am not willing to compare it to the movies like Titanic. They are poles apart merit-wise. Falling in love doesn’t make always a great story. A crippled ex-marine, Jack Sully travels to a mining colony at planet named Pandora, and he is part of the security personnel there. He gets an opportunity to be involved in a scientific research and is able to control the mind of a cloned native(the Na’vis) He falls in love with a hot Neytiri girl and sides with the tribal against the evil designs of mining corporation, who are out to destroy the tribal flora and fauna. From where does the storywriter get inspiration from? Modern science? Early adventures of the colonial powers on the American tribal population? Or from other movies? The story failed to catch my imagination. Seriousness in the situation, which was not there, was created deliberately. I watched, but did not appreciate the sequences. The outcomes of the stunts are predictable. James Cameron is a big name in the movie world. It is a big budget movie and it is in the process of earning great profits. Since the release of Titanic, the ways of the advertising media have changed much. The name of James Cameron sells—and the man and his team knows how to sell it, having invested an astronomical sum to produce the movie. Distribution and advertisement techniques are planned well and they are part of the movie production. A movie is produced to with the express plans to sell it in the box office. Movie business is not a philanthropic activity. The visual prowess is fine. But does that add to the strength of the script? I reason desperately what exactly is special about the script but fail to get any positive answer. The script seems to have been borrowed in bits and parts from several other

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The great Chicago fire Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The great Chicago fire - Research Paper Example Will Chicago be able to return her royal title of the â€Å"Queen of the West†? The Great Chicago Fire "It was like a snowstorm only the flakes were red instead of white." Bessie Bradwell Helmer 1. Chicago started as a small settlement and grew to a very populated city during XIX. The population of Chicago had burst from approximately 4,000 souls when it received its first city charter in 1837, to 30,000 in 1850 and to an amazing 330,000 at 1871. It had passed  Saint Louis  as the fourth-biggest city in America and became a key player on the international scene. Modern for those days highly-branched railroad was a very important element of Chicago city. No American city was linked to the romance of the railroad the way Chicago was. It resembled imperial European centers – Paris, for instance – where the stations, like the points of a gigantic compass, beckoned in all directions†¦ It was the railroad that made Chicago the capital of America’s heart land, its attainable metropolis, its possible dream. (Lowe, 2010, p.51). 2. This fast increase city growth, though, happened with little planning. Several brick-and-mortar constructions were already built, but thousands of buildings were factually â€Å"thrown up† to house the enormous flood of European immigrants. There, next to rich houses was built squatter settlement where buildings often were put up very close to each other, back-to-back. The growth of the city was so speedy and similar to the fast growing bones of a teenager, which often might be subject to easy breaking. The expansion of Chicago was far from being ideal and faultless. There were class conflicts, business upheavals and urban rivalry which became common in American cities. 3. On Sunday October 8th 1871 around 9 o’clock in the evening in the small barn owned by Patrick and  Catherine O'Leary, that was on 137  DeKoven Street, the fire started. Nobody knew for certain what caused it. The investig ation by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners has never before been fully researched and reported by the fire historians. The Board’s final report published in Chicago newspapers on December 12, 1871, indicated that the commissioners were unable to determine the fire cause.† (Bales and Schwartz, 2005, p.4) 4. There were number of equally possible stories, from the owner’s cow kicking over the lantern to meteor shower which possibly caused 3 other fires in the same area simultaneously. 5. According to Owens (2007), â€Å"The Chicago fire started in the O’Leary barn but the O’Leary Home survived.† (p.8) 6. However, many historians nowadays believe that the true culprit of the fire was Daniel Sullivan, the one who told O’Learys about the fire. They accepted as truth his story that he got inside the barn to steal their cows’ milk. Prior to his death, Daniel Sullivan admitted that he was accountable. There are some indications confirming it is true, yet it is not certain. A.T. Andreas, nineteenth-century historian wrote: "Nature had withheld her accustomed measure of prevention, and man had added to the peril by recklessness." The fire spread very fast due to the draught for fourteen weeks, multiplicity of wooden houses, jacked-up plank streets and sidewalks and powerful southwestern wind. It was similar to hundreds of matchboxes set close